Iceland at Night

Aurora Forecast

Tonight's forecast

October 3: Geomagnetic storm predicted, bright and active aurora very likely due to the arrival of coronal mass ejection impacting Earth. Keep your eyes on the skies from 21:00 and check the real time data regularly.

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Fetching data

Kp-index Forecast


Sunrise07:44 UTC
Sunset18:51 UTC


Real Time Space Weather Data

The likelihood of aurora activity increases when the needle points to the red zone

Solar Wind Speed

Interplanetary Magnetic Field

Auroral Activity

Aurora Forecast

A short-term forecast of the location and intensity of the aurora.

Leirvogur Magnetic Observatory

Record of measurements at Leirvogur for the past 24 hours.

Tours we recommend

Solar Activity


Coronal Holes

Kp-index Forecast

Short-term Kp-index forecast

The chart shows 3 day forecast of the Kp-index with hourly interval

Long-term Kp-index forecast

The chart shows the largest daily Kp-index value